Happy 8th Birthday Feilding Health Care - Media Release

8 years ago on the 29th February 2016, Feilding Health Care in Duke Street Feilding opened their doors for the first time!

29 February, 2024


Wednesday 28 February 2024

Integrated health care model proves to be the way forward for retaining and training health workers. 

The secret to solving the national healthcare workforce crisis could be in the hands of a provincial Manawatū healthcare centre.

After eight years of practising what they preach, Feilding Health Care, located 20 km outside of Palmerston North, is celebrating the success of their integrated healthcare model in training, retaining and supporting medical staff, from first jobs right through to retirement.

Dr Bruce Stewart, who has been with Feilding Health Care Group since its inception, explains “We’re finding that other models of care aren’t as attractive to young doctors entering the field. The integrated healthcare model gives them more flexibility, variety and sustainability in their careers, and they really value that.”

Stewart believes the integrated healthcare model can also help staff feel less pressure at work.

“We want to provide a workplace where staff aren’t burning out and this model really helps us achieve this. We saw it through the COVID pandemic globally – that doctor shortages, long hours and uncertain conditions have a negative effect on health care workers.

“Having more staff available allows for a steadier pathway into retirement for senior professionals too. They’re able to slow down a bit, with more hands on deck to share the load. Across the group, we currently have more than 20 senior doctors, nurse practitioners and nurses sharing their experience with newer staff. We’re finding they’re less overwhelmed at work – and that’s exactly what we want for them.”

The model has been so successful that the owners of the clinic have now moved into two more towns in the wider Manawatū area. Feilding Health Care Group Chief Executive, Nicky Hart says this expansion aims to continue training and retaining healthcare professionals, as well as offer a higher quality of care to more communities.

“We’ve got a strong emphasis on teaching – we believe that by giving professionals the right skills, knowledge and what they want in the workplace, they’ll be happier. We want them to stay with us for a long time.

“As a group, our goal is to give everyone, no matter where they live, the best possible care. We can do this through the integrated model, as it can offer services that traditionally people couldn’t easily access in many places.”

Across the group, and through collaboration with other providers, patients have access to a full range of primary healthcare services, including doctors, nurse practitioners and prescribers, paramedics, phlebotomy, pharmacists, Māori health services, physiotherapy, mental health, dietitian and radiology services.  Dr Stewart says this allows for a more holistic approach to healthcare.

“When someone phones to make an appointment with the doctor, in many cases, it’s not a doctor they need to see.  It could be a Nurse Prescriber, Paramedic, Physio, Nurse Practitioner or Health Coach. In other models of care, doctors are spending their time with patients who could easily be seen by someone else. Having the options available here has really helped to streamline access to the right care.”

Feilding Health Care is celebrating its eighth birthday on Thursday 29th February. Hart says she’s excited about the years ahead.

“It’s been a wonderful eight years of learning and growing as a practice. We’re really looking forward to seeing how we evolve and what other services we can provide in the next eight years.”


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Happy 8th Birthday Feilding Health Care – Media Release

8 years ago on the 29th February 2016, Feilding Health Care in Duke Street Feilding opened their doors for the first time!

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